Aromatherapy Blog

Naturally super charge your skin with superfoods!

Naturally super charge your skin with superfoods!

Ever wondered if you can use food to make skincare in your kitchen at home? The answer is yes of course you can! Food is often used in skincare and organic skincare is food for your skin. Many I Am Natural recipes started out in my kitchen at home, and one…

How to exfoliate your skin in the summer

How to exfoliate your skin in the summer

Exfoliating your skin is just as important during the summer months as it is in the winter.When those hot days roll around and the temperatures soar, your skin gets hot and sweaty, and more prone to breakouts or clogged pores.The best way to keep your skin fresh and radiant, especially…

How a little red mole changed my life!

How a little red mole changed my life!

A few years ago Jenni went through a very emotional experience with skin cancer and would like to share her story with you to help warn of the dangers of sun exposure and explain the different types of skin cancer.

Jan's story...diagnosed with skin cancer

Jan's story...diagnosed with skin cancer

Jan is a loyal client in her 70’s who over time has become a friend too. She got in touch with me recently to ask for help. She wanted to share her story of being diagnosed with skin cancer and needed advice on how to treat her wound in the…
